Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sick of spam

Apparently, some jerk sold my email address (along with other email addresses) to some spammer or something and ever since then, I get at least 5 unsolicited emails a day, ranging from people who think my (imaginary) penis should be larger, all the way to Criminal Justice school and junk.

I've decide to dedicate this blog to the spammers who send me unsolicited email.  Consider this blog a "wall of shame."  Perhaps, this blog will tarnish their reputation and every single asshole that sends an email trying to sell something to somebody who's not in the market for whatever they're selling, will go bankrupt!  It's the least they deserve!

In case you are wondering, I do have spam/junk email filters in place, but at least 5 of these emails make it to my inbox everyday.  I forward those emails to spam@uce.gov but I'm not entirely sure if this works (I bet they get tons of emails about spam.)  So I think it's in our hands to bring these jerks down and make them change their ways.  Preferably, we do this peaceful, although frankly, somebody should get their knees broken with a bat to make an example out of them.

Feel free to post your own list of spammers, so we can boycott these assholes!  Additionally, feel free to add your two cents as to how deal successfully with stopping a spammer for good.

Have a spam free day!